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For more information about this repository and its usage, please see Terraform AWS ARC GitHub CICD Module Usage Guide.


SourceFuse's AWS Reference Architecture (ARC) Terraform module automates the creation of AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild projects, facilitating the build and deployment of both application code and Terraform modules. By defining reusable CodeBuild projects, it ensures consistent and efficient build processes that can be shared across multiple CodePipelines. This approach promotes standardization and reduces redundancy in the CI/CD pipeline configuration.


Before using this module, ensure you have the following:

  • AWS credentials configured.
  • Terraform installed.
  • A working knowledge of Terraform.

Getting Started

  1. Define the Module

Initially, it's essential to define a Terraform module, which is organized as a distinct directory encompassing Terraform configuration files. Within this module directory, input variables and output values must be defined in the and files, respectively. The following illustrates an example directory structure:

  1. Define Input Variables

Inside the or in *.tfvars file, you should define values for the variables that the module requires.

  1. Use the Module in Your Main Configuration In your main Terraform configuration file (e.g.,, you can use the module. Specify the source of the module, and version, For Example
module "pipelines" {
  source = "sourcefuse/arc-cicd/aws"

  artifacts_bucket    = local.artifacts_bucket
  codestar_connection = local.codestar_connection

  role_data          = local.role_data
  codebuild_projects = local.codebuild_projects
  codepipelines      = local.codepipeline_data
  chatbot_data       = local.chatbot_data

  tags = module.tags.tags
  1. Output Values

Inside the file of the module, you can define output values that can be referenced in the main configuration. For example:

output "chatbot_sns_arns" {
  description = "SNS topics created by AWS Chatbot"
  value       = module.example.chatbot_sns_arns
  1. .tfvars

Inside the .tfvars file of the module, you can provide desired values that can be referenced in the main configuration. For example:

Edit the file and provide desired values.

artifacts_bucket - S3 Bucket name where artifacts are stored

codestar_connection - Codestar connection for authenticating to Github

role_data - Details about Roles to be created for Codepipeline and Codebuild projects

codebuild_projects - List of Codebuild projects to be created

codepipelines - Codepipelines to be created

chatbot_data - local.chatbot_data

locals {

  environment_role = {
    dev = "arn:aws:iam::xxxx:role/example-dev-cicd-role"

  branch_map = {
    dev = {
      terraform = "dev"
    poc = {
      terraform = "stg"

  prefix              = "${var.namespace}-${var.environment}"
  codestar_connection = "Github-Connection"
  artifacts_bucket    = "${local.prefix}-pipeline-artifacts"

  policies = [{
    policy_document = data.aws_iam_policy_document.pipeline.json
    policy_name     = "pipeline-policy-to-reject"

  chatbot_data = {
    name                     = "${var.namespace}-slack"
    slack_channel_id         = "C0xxxxxxx5"
    slack_workspace_id       = "T0xxxxxxRT"
    managed_policy_arns      = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodePipeline_FullAccess"]
    guardrail_policies       = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodePipeline_FullAccess"]
    role_polices             = local.policies
    enable_slack_integration = true

  notification_event_and_type = {
    event_type_ids = [
    targets = [{
      address = "arn:aws:chatbot::${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:chat-configuration/slack-channel/${var.namespace}-slack" // it should match
      type    = "AWSChatbotSlack"                                                                                                         // Type can be "SNS" , AWSChatbotSlack etc

  // IAM roles has to be created before creating Codebuild project and Codepipeline
  role_data = {
    "${local.prefix}-codepipeline-role" = {
      pipeline_service                    = "codepipeline"
      assume_role_arns                    = []
      github_secret_arn                   = null
      terraform_state_s3_bucket           = null
      dynamodb_lock_table                 = null
      additional_iam_policy_doc_json_list = []
    "${local.prefix}-codebuild-terraform" = {
      pipeline_service                    = "codebuild"
      assume_role_arns                    = [local.environment_role[var.environment], "arn:aws:iam::1111xxxx1111:role/example-management-mrr-role"]
      github_secret_arn                   = null
      terraform_state_s3_bucket           = "example-shared-services-terraform-state"
      dynamodb_lock_table                 = "example-shared-services-terraform-state-lock"
      additional_iam_policy_doc_json_list = []

  // Codebuild projects have to be created before creating Codepipelines
  codebuild_projects = {
    "${local.prefix}-terraform-plan" = {
      description       = "Codebuild project for Terraform Plan"
      build_type        = "Terraform"
      terraform_version = "terraform-1.8.3-1.x86_64"
      buildspec_file    = null
      role_data = {
        name = "${local.prefix}-codebuild-terraform"
      artifacts_bucket    = local.artifacts_bucket
      buildspec_file_name = "buildspec-tf-apply"
    "${local.prefix}-terraform-apply" = {
      description       = "Codebuild project for Terraform Apply"
      build_type        = "Terraform"
      terraform_version = "terraform-1.8.3-1.x86_64"
      buildspec_file    = null
      role_data = {
        name = "${local.prefix}-codebuild-terraform"
      artifacts_bucket    = local.artifacts_bucket
      buildspec_file_name = "buildspec-tf-apply"

  codepipeline_data = {
    "${local.prefix}-terrafomr-module" = {
      codestar_connection       = local.codestar_connection
      artifacts_bucket          = local.artifacts_bucket
      artifact_store_s3_kms_arn = null
      auto_trigger              = false

      source_repositories = [
          name              = "TF-Source"
          output_artifacts  = ["tf_source_output"]
          github_repository = "githuborg/tf-mono-infra"
          github_branch     = local.branch_map[var.environment].terraform
          auto_trigger      = false

      pipeline_stages = [
          stage_name       = "Terraform-Plan"
          name             = "Terraform-Plan"
          input_artifacts  = ["tf_source_output"]
          output_artifacts = ["tf_plan_output"]
          version          = "1"
          project_name     = "${local.prefix}-terraform-plan" # This has to match the Codebuild project name
          environment_variables = [
              name  = "ENVIRONMENT",
              value = var.environment
              name  = "TF_VAR_FILE",
              value = "tfvars/${var.environment}.tfvars"
              name  = "WORKING_DIR",
              value = "terraform/example-module"
              name  = "BACKEND_CONFIG_FILE",
              value = "backend/config.shared-services.hcl"
              name  = "WORKSPACE",
              value = var.environment
          stage_name = "Approval"
          name       = "Approval"
          category   = "Approval"
          provider   = "Manual"
          version    = "1"
          stage_name       = "Terraform-Apply"
          name             = "Terraform-Apply"
          input_artifacts  = ["tf_plan_output"]
          output_artifacts = ["tf_apply_output"]
          version          = "1"
          project_name     = "${local.prefix}-terraform-apply" # This has to match the Codebuild project name
          environment_variables = [
              name  = "ENVIRONMENT",
              value = var.environment
              name  = "TF_VAR_FILE",
              value = "tfvars/${var.environment}.tfvars"
              name  = "WORKING_DIR",
              value = "terraform/example-module"
              name  = "BACKEND_CONFIG_FILE",
              value = "backend/config.shared-services.hcl"
              name  = "WORKSPACE",
              value = var.environment
      role_data = {
        name = "${local.prefix}-codepipeline-role"
      notification_data = {
        "${local.prefix}--api-notification" = local.notification_event_and_type // "${local.prefix}--api-notification" name has to be unique for each pipeline


First Time Usage

uncomment the backend block in

terraform init
If testing locally, terraform init should be fine

Create a dev workspace

terraform workspace new dev

Plan Terraform

terraform plan -var-file dev.tfvars

Apply Terraform

terraform apply -var-file dev.tfvars

Production Setup

terraform init

Create a prod workspace

terraform workspace new prod

Plan Terraform

terraform plan -var-file prod.tfvars

Apply Terraform

terraform apply -var-file prod.tfvars  


Destroy Terraform

terraform destroy -var-file dev.tfvars


Name Version
terraform >= 1.5.0
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
aws 5.53.0


Name Source Version
chatbot ./modules/chatbot n/a
codebuild ./modules/codebuild n/a
codepipeline ./modules/codepipeline n/a
role ./modules/iam-role n/a


Name Type
aws_s3_bucket.artifact data source


Name Description Type Default Required
artifacts_bucket s3 bucket used for codepipeline artifacts string n/a yes
chatbot_data (optional) Chatbot details to create integration
name = string
slack_channel_id = string
slack_workspace_id = string
guardrail_policies = optional(list(string), ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSAccountManagementReadOnlyAccess"])
enable_slack_integration = bool
role_polices = optional(list(object({
policy_document = any
policy_name = string

})), [])
managed_policy_arns = optional(list(string), ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSResourceExplorerReadOnlyAccess"])
null no
codebuild_projects Values to create Codebuild project
description = optional(string, "")
build_timeout = optional(number, 15)
queued_timeout = optional(number, 15)
compute_type = optional(string, "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL")
compute_image = optional(string, "aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:5.0")
compute_type_container = optional(string, "LINUX_CONTAINER")
image_pull_credentials_type = optional(string, "CODEBUILD")
privileged_mode = optional(bool, false)
build_type = string
buildspec_file_name = optional(string, null)
buildspec_file = optional(string, null)
terraform_version = optional(string, "terraform-1.5.0-1.x86_64")
create_role = optional(bool, false)
role_data = optional(object({
name = string
pipeline_service = optional(string, null)
assume_role_arns = optional(list(string), null)
github_secret_arn = optional(string, null)
terraform_state_s3_bucket = optional(string, null)
dynamodb_lock_table = optional(string, null)
additional_iam_policy_doc_json_list = optional(list(any), [])
}), null)
null no
codepipelines Codepipeline data to create pipeline and stages
artifact_store_s3_kms_arn = string

source_repositories = list(object({
name = string
output_artifacts = optional(list(string), ["source_output"])
github_repository = string
github_branch = string
auto_trigger = optional(bool, true)

pipeline_stages = list(object({
stage_name = string
name = string
category = optional(string, "Build")
provider = optional(string, "CodeBuild")
input_artifacts = optional(list(string), [])
output_artifacts = optional(list(string), [])
version = string
project_name = optional(string, null)
environment_variables = optional(list(object({
name = string
value = string
type = optional(string, "PLAINTEXT")
create_role = optional(bool, false)
role_data = optional(object({
name = string
github_secret_arn = optional(string, null)
additional_iam_policy_doc_json_list = optional(list(any), [])

trigger = optional(list(object({
source_action_name = string

push = list(object({
branches = object({
includes = list(string)
excludes = list(string)
file_paths = object({
includes = list(string)
excludes = list(string)

pull_request = list(object({
events = list(string)
filter = list(object({
branches = object({
includes = list(string)
excludes = list(string)
file_paths = object({
includes = list(string)
excludes = list(string)
) }))

})), [])

notification_data = optional(map(object({
detail_type = optional(string, "FULL")
event_type_ids = optional(list(string), [
targets = list(object({
address = string // eg SNS arn
type = optional(string, "SNS") // Type can be "SNS" , AWSChatbotSlack etc
})), null)

{} no
codestar_connection codestar connection arn for github repository string n/a yes
role_data Roles to be created
pipeline_service = string
assume_role_arns = optional(list(string), null)
github_secret_arn = optional(string, null)
terraform_state_s3_bucket = optional(string, null)
dynamodb_lock_table = optional(string, null)
additional_iam_policy_doc_json_list = optional(list(any), [])
{} no
tags Tags for AWS resources map(string) n/a yes


Name Description
chatbot_sns_arns SNS topic integrated to AWS Chatbot

Git commits

while Contributing or doing git commit please specify the breaking change in your commit message whether its major,minor or patch

For Example

git commit -m "your commit message #major"
By specifying this , it will bump the version and if you dont specify this in your commit message then by default it will consider patch and will bump that accordingly




  • Configure pre-commit hooks
    pre-commit install


  • Tests are available in test directory
  • Configure the dependencies
    cd test/
    go mod init<module_name>
    go get
  • Now execute the test
    go test -timeout  30m


This project is authored by: - SourceFuse