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SourceFuse AWS Reference Architecture (ARC) Terraform module for managing synthetic canaries.


  • Allows creation of AWS Synthetics canaries with VPC configurations.
  • Supports custom IAM roles and policies.
  • Flexible configuration options for canaries.


SourceFuse's AWS Reference Architecture (ARC) Terraform module for Synthetics Canaries centralizes and automates the monitoring of your applications and APIs. By leveraging AWS CloudWatch Synthetics, this module allows you to create and manage canary scripts that continuously check the availability and performance of your endpoints. It provides a comprehensive solution to detect anomalies, pinpoint performance issues, and ensure that your applications are functioning as expected. The module also supports scheduling canary runs, capturing and analyzing logs and metrics, and integrating with other AWS services for alerting and reporting. With cross-region and cross-account capabilities, it enhances monitoring coverage and resilience for your applications.


Before using this module, ensure you have the following:

  • AWS credentials configured.
  • Terraform installed.
  • A working knowledge of Terraform.

Getting Started

  1. Define the Module

Initially, it's essential to define a Terraform module, which is organized as a distinct directory encompassing Terraform configuration files. Within this module directory, input variables and output values must be defined in the and files, respectively. The following illustrates an example directory structure:

  1. Define Input Variables

Inside the or in *.tfvars file, you should define values for the variables that the module requires.

  1. Use the Module in Your Main Configuration In your main Terraform configuration file (e.g.,, you can use the module. Specify the source of the module, and version, For Example
module "synthetic-monitoring" {
  source            = "sourcefuse/arc-synthetic-monitoring/aws"
  version           = "0.0.1"
  sns_topic_name    = var.sns_topic_name
  endpoint          = var.endpoint
  kms_key_alias     = var.kms_key_alias
  canaries_with_vpc = local.canaries_with_vpc
  bucket_name       = var.bucket_name
  tags              = module.tags.tags
  1. Output Values

Inside the file of the module, you can define output values that can be referenced in the main configuration. For example:

output "canary_arns" {
  value = module.synthetic-monitoring.canary_arns


To see a full example, check out the file in the example folder.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.7
archive 2.4.2
aws >= 4.0, < 6.0
random 3.6.2


Name Version
aws 4.67.0
random 3.6.2


Name Source Version
kms sourcefuse/arc-kms/aws 0.0.4


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.fail_alarm resource
aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.success_alarm resource
aws_iam_policy.canary_execution_policy resource
aws_iam_role.canary_execution_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.canary_execution_attachment resource
aws_s3_bucket.artifcats_bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_cors_configuration.cors resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.public_access_block resource
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.ssm resource
aws_s3_bucket_versioning.versioning resource
aws_sns_topic.this resource
aws_sns_topic_policy.this resource
aws_sns_topic_subscription.this resource
aws_synthetics_canary.dynamic_canaries_with_vpc resource
random_pet.iam_role_name resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sns_topic_policy data source
aws_iam_role.execution_role data source


Name Description Type Default Required
block_public_acls Whether Amazon S3 should block public ACLs for this bucket. bool true no
block_public_policy Whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for this bucket. bool true no
bucket_key_enabled Specifies whether bucket key is enabled. bool false no
bucket_name The name of the S3 bucket. string n/a yes
canaries_with_vpc List of canaries with VPC configuration
name = string
handler = string
zip_file = string
s3_details = optional(object({
s3_bucket = string
s3_key = string
s3_version = string
}), null)
runtime_version = string
start_canary = bool
failure_retention_period = number
success_retention_period = number
schedule_expression = string
environment_variables = map(string)
n/a yes
cloudwatch_metric_alarms_enabled Boolean flag to enable/disable CloudWatch metrics alarms bool false no
cors_configuration The CORS configuration for the S3 bucket.
allowed_headers = list(string)
allowed_methods = list(string)
allowed_origins = list(string)
expose_headers = list(string)
max_age_seconds = number
"allowed_headers": [
"allowed_methods": [
"allowed_origins": [
"expose_headers": [
"max_age_seconds": 3000
custom_kms_policy Custom KMS policy to apply if enabled. If not provided, a default policy will be used. string "" no
deletion_window_in_days Duration in days after which the key is deleted after destruction of the resource number 10 no
enable_key_rotation Specifies whether key rotation is enabled bool true no
enabled Whether the KMS module is enabled. If true, a custom KMS key will be used for encryption. If false, the default AWS managed KMS key will be used. bool true no
endpoint The endpoint for the SNS subscription. string n/a yes
force_destroy Specifies whether to force destroy the bucket (and all objects) when the bucket is removed. bool true no
ignore_public_acls Whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket. bool true no
kms_key_alias Alias for the custom KMS key (if enabled). string n/a yes
protocol The protocol for the SNS subscription endpoint. string "email" no
region AWS region string "us-east-1" no
restrict_public_buckets Whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket. bool true no
security_group_ids List of security group IDs for the canary list(string)
sns_topic_name Name for the SNS topic. string n/a yes
sse_algorithm The server-side encryption algorithm to use. Valid values are AES256 and aws:kms string "aws:kms" no
subnet_ids List of subnet IDs where the canary will run list(string)
tags Tags to apply to the canary map(string) n/a yes
versioning_enabled Enable versioning for the S3 bucket. bool false no


Name Description
canary_arns ARNs of all canaries created


This project uses a .version file at the root of the repo which the pipeline reads from and does a git tag.

When you intend to commit to main, you will need to increment this version. Once the project is merged, the pipeline will kick off and tag the latest git commit.




  • Configure pre-commit hooks
    pre-commit install


while Contributing or doing git commit please specify the breaking change in your commit message whether its major,minor or patch

For Example

git commit -m "your commit message #major"
By specifying this , it will bump the version and if you don't specify this in your commit message then by default it will consider patch and will bump that accordingly


  • Tests are available in test directory
  • Configure the dependencies
    cd test/
    go mod init<module_name>
    go get
  • Now execute the test
    go test -timeout  30m


This project is authored by: - SourceFuse ARC Team

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Mayank Sharma
Mayank Sharma

💻 📖 🚇 🚧 🧑‍🏫

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!