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Terraform AWS ARC Transit Gateway Module Usage Guide


Purpose of the Document

This document provides guidelines and instructions for users looking to implement the Terraform module for managing and automating AWS Transit Gateway with integrated configurations.

Module Overview

The terraform-aws-arc-transit-gateway Terraform module provides a robust solution for managing complex network architectures within AWS. This module simplifies the creation, configuration, and management of AWS Transit Gateway, VPC attachments, and routing between VPCs. It ensures efficient network integration and connectivity across multiple AWS accounts by leveraging AWS best practices and conditional resource creation, making it ideal for scalable and flexible network solutions.


Before using this module, ensure you have the following:

  • AWS credentials configured.
  • Terraform installed.
  • Creating Roles in Target Accounts.
  • Knowledge of AWS Transit Gateway.

Getting Started

Module Source

To use the module in your Terraform configuration, include the following source block:

provider "aws" {
  region = var.region

provider "aws" {
  alias  = "target"
  region = var.region
  assume_role {
    role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/arc-destination-role"

module "transit_gateway" {
  source = "../."

  create_transit_gateway                             = true
  create_transit_gateway_attacment_in_source_account = true
  transit_gateway_name                               = "${var.project_name}-Transit-GW"

  target_account_id      = ["123456789000"]
  source_vpc_id          = "vpc-0828676a85368a010"
  source_subnet_ids      = ["subnet-0bd3777718064b8c1", "subnet-0ceedb9d964271d63"]
  source_route_table_ids = ["rtb-0f47f5b2f4294ed68", "rtb-0f91ca3850d4802eb"]
  providers = {
    aws        = aws =

  target_vpc_id          = "vpc-021a5ebd8765454be"
  target_subnet_ids      = ["subnet-0967757bbf9e8b397", "subnet-0ba1d81aa9a056822"]
  target_route_table_ids = ["rtb-03694d12130a3ee16", "rtb-0a95cb0a679c62206"]


provider "aws" {
  alias  = "target2"
  region = var.region
  assume_role {
    role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::098765432100:role/arc-destination-role-2"

module "transit_gateway_target2" {
  source = "../."

  # Set below to 'false' as the Transit Gateway is created in the previous module.
  create_transit_gateway                             = false
  # Set below to 'false' as the Transit Gateway attachment source is created in the previous module.
  create_transit_gateway_attacment_in_source_account = false
  existing_transit_gateway_id                        = module.transit_gateway.transit_gateway_id

  source_route_table_ids = ["rtb-0f47f5b2f4294ed68", "rtb-0f91ca3850d4802eb"]

  target_account_id = ["098765432100"]

  providers = {
    aws        = aws = aws.target2

  target_vpc_id          = "vpc-0d56ce6a38df0434e"
  target_subnet_ids      = ["subnet-033eebbeceed00181", "subnet-034a98a9e9d325bd6"]
  target_route_table_ids = ["rtb-0ca108fb6702dbb22", "rtb-0d50d045823996e9e"]

  depends_on = [module.transit_gateway]

Integration with Existing Terraform Configurations

Integrate the module with your existing Terraform mono repo configuration, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new folder in terraform/ named transit-gateway.
  2. Create the required files, see the examples to base off of.
  3. Configure with your backend
    • Create the environment backend configuration file: config.<environment>.hcl
      • region: Where the backend resides
      • key: <working_directory>/terraform.tfstate
      • bucket: Bucket name where the terraform state will reside
      • dynamodb_table: Lock table so there are not duplicate tfplans in the mix
      • encrypt: Encrypt all traffic to and from the backend

Required AWS Permissions

Ensure that the AWS credentials used to execute Terraform have the necessary permissions to create and manage transit gateway

Module Configuration

Input Variables

For a list of input variables, see the README Inputs section.

Output Values

For a list of outputs, see the README Outputs section.

Module Usage

Basic Usage

For usage, see the example folder.

This example will create: Transit Gateway resources across multiple accounts. The first module creates a Transit Gateway in a source account, shares it with target accounts via AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM), and establishes TGW attachments and routing in both the source and target accounts. The second module uses the existing Transit Gateway, creates additional TGW attachments in another target account, and configures route tables to manage traffic between the source and destination CIDR blocks.

Tips and Recommendations


Reporting Issues

If you encounter a bug or issue, please report it on the GitHub repository.

Security Considerations

Best Practices for AWS Transit Gateway

Follow best practices to ensure secure and efficient configurations for Transit Gateway. Transit Gateway Best Practices

Contributing and Community Support

Contributing Guidelines

Contribute to the module by following the guidelines outlined in the file.


License Information

This module is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Refer to the LICENSE file for more details.

Open Source Contribution

Contribute to open source by using and enhancing this module. Your contributions are welcome!