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@sourceloop/reporting-service / Exports / StateTrackingService

Class: StateTrackingService

Table of contents






new StateTrackingService(stateTrackingRepo)


Name Type
stateTrackingRepo StateTrackingRepository

Defined in




Private stateTrackingRepo: StateTrackingRepository

Defined in




countRecords(recordType, recordId?): Promise<{ count: number }>

The function counts the number of records of a given type, optionally filtered by a specific record ID.


Name Type Description
recordType string The recordType parameter is a string that represents the type of records you want to count. It is used to filter the records based on their type.
recordId? string The recordId parameter is an optional string that represents the ID of a specific record. If provided, the function will only count the records that have a matching recordId. If not provided, the function will count all records of the specified recordType.


Promise<{ count: number }>

an object with a single property "count", which represents the number of records that match the specified criteria.

Defined in



findAllRecords(recordType, skip?, limit?, recordId?): Promise<StateTracking[]>

The findAllRecords function retrieves a list of state tracking records based on the specified record type, skip and limit parameters, and an optional record ID.


Name Type Default value Description
recordType string undefined The recordType parameter is a string that specifies the type of records you want to retrieve. It is used to filter the records based on their type.
skip? number 0 The skip parameter is used to specify the number of records to skip before returning the results. It is optional and has a default value of 0, meaning it will start returning records from the beginning.
limit? number 10 The limit parameter specifies the maximum number of records to retrieve from the database. By default, it is set to 10 if no value is provided.
recordId? string undefined The recordId parameter is an optional string that represents the unique identifier of a specific record. If provided, the function will only return records that have a matching recordId value. If not provided, all records of the specified recordType will be returned.



a Promise that resolves to an array of StateTracking objects.

Defined in



findLatestRecord(recordType, recordId?): Promise<null | StateTracking>

The function findLatestRecord retrieves the latest record of a given type and optional ID from a repository.


Name Type Description
recordType string The recordType parameter is a string that represents the type of record you want to find the latest entry for. It is used to filter the records based on their type.
recordId? string The recordId parameter is an optional string that represents the ID of a specific record. If provided, the function will filter the records based on this ID. If not provided, the function will return the latest record of the specified recordType without any filtering based on the ID.


Promise<null | StateTracking>

The function findLatestRecord returns a Promise that resolves to either the latest record of type StateTracking that matches the given recordType and recordId, or null if no matching record is found.

Defined in
